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All done soldering! Let's test it.

  1. Reconnect the battery.
  2. Slide power switch.
  3. Use a screwdriver to adjust the volume at RV103 and the two bigger potentiometers until you hear noises coming out of the speaker.
    • If you hear noise, congrats! You successfully soldered your Oskitone APC! A successfully soldered and working Oskitone APC
  4. If not, don't worry. It's time to debug:
    • Check all your solder joints again
    • Are the components with polarity (+ and - sides) right?
    • Is the 556 chip pushed all they way into the socket? And none of its legs are bent?
    • Try using a multimeter to confirm power and ground are at all the pins you'd expect, referring to the schematic.

Next, let's get the soldered PCB assembled into its enclosure...